Saturday 22 June 2013

Slimming world in action

After joining slimming world, I found it really easy to get to grips with the programme - as much lean meat, fish and poultry as you like, teamed with loads of vegetables and some starchy goodness, such as potatoes, rice, chickpeas, pasta, whatever you like.

I'll be honest, I was dubious at first. No way could these evil carbohydrates be good for losing weight, every diet plan ever has said that, so it's unsurprising that I wasn't expecting much at my weigh in. 

How wrong I was!

4 lbs lost in my first week, but I'd eaten so much!! I'd even had some chocolate!  I discovered that, perhaps, slimming world may have been made for me. Even when I go all the way to my 15 syn limit, I still lose weight! Marvellous! 

That said, there have been times when my new eating plan has disagreed with my mentality and the odd binge has been indulged... Still, in the 4 months I've been on plan, I've only gained 6.5 lbs which has quickly shifted once I've refocused. Up to this point, I have lost over 10% of my body weight, losing 1 stone 11 lbs in total (25 lbs). It's been a slow journey, the weight loss was quick at first but has now slowed to about 1 lb a week, but you know what? Great! I want to take this slowly, I think I'll be more likely to stick to it and 1 lb a week is nothing to be sniffed at! 

With 1 stone 3 lbs (17lbs) still to go until I reach my target, I decided I really need to focus on some toning. Having achieved my bronze body magic award a few weeks ago I decided to step up the pace, which is when my friend recommended the 30 Day Shred. 

Oh. My. God. 

Jillion Michaels is both a saint and the devil personified! 

If you're interested in the programme, a day by day account will follow.

The beginning

Back in February, I looked at myself in the mirror and I definitely WAS NOT happy with the reflection I saw staring back at me... Where was my waist? Why was my skin SO BAD? Where had my confidence gone? I've always struggled with my weight, I've never been a slim girl growing up and until now I was pretty ok with that but suddenly... It felt different being big.

I had tried to sort my weight out in the past, with relative success: back in 2011 I joined weight watchers. I was in my 2nd year of Uni and fending for myself so I thought it would be easy and it was! At first. Once I'd lost 1 1/2 stone (21 lbs) I hit a plateau - I'd lost so much, but where were the results? I still looked overweight, and I still was. I was rapidly losing motivation when Christmas hit and I was derailed for good.

Fast forward to February of this year, and I'm writing my third year dissertation, I'm living on chocolate, crisps and takeaway. When I go home, we eat out usually and I'm piling on the pounds. When I realise this, I look at myself and know that things have to change. My boyfriend reassures me that he loves me, whatever my size, but I know that if I don't start making changes now I'll be graduating in a tent, not a gown.

I think about trying weight watchers again, it worked the first time, but I remember how restrictive I felt the points system was - I was never full. My housemate has recently joined slimming world and I'm seeing how much she's eating - bacon, eggs, toast, rice, potatoes... All those things banned on other diets. I ask her what its all about and she shows me her book, it truly is life changing. Suddenly I'm thinking, "Yes, I could do this, why not?" I look at the slimming world website and find a group near home, they meet on a Tuesday which is just perfect for me, and with that, I take the plunge...

My first meeting was, in equal parts, scary and exhilarating. My consultant, Helen, is wonderful. She's so friendly, and she's followed the plan herself. I'm allowed to sit in on a group meeting before committing and I'm made to feel right at home, and so I pay my money and get weighed. I could've cried the moment I stepped on those scales, at 5'10" and 21 years old, I was tipping the scales as 14 stone 10 lbs (206 lbs). I was mortified. I'd never, EVER been this heavy in my life and it scared me to think what I would have weighed if I hadn't taken that first step and changed my eating habits for good.

Thursday 16 August 2012


I'm aware that I forgot to tell you all how everything was going!!


The football was brilliant - much better than on the tv :) we looked ace in our face paint :)


Filming is going very well so far :) still on schedule and How Not to Work and Claim Benefits is looking to be a VERY good film overall :) if you want to keep updated you can follow updates on twitter using #HowNottoWorkMovie


Sunday 5 August 2012

The countdown begins...

To what I hear you ask? Well, to two things actually...

The gold medal match of the Olympic football - very exciting!

As of August 13th I will officially be helping to film "How Not to Work and Claim Benefits" - a very exciting British film project :)

I will of course be blogging and tweeting about both so should you want to keep up to date you can follow me @StephoJensen


Wednesday 1 August 2012


Got my email from royal mail informing me my tickets will be delivered today! :D I'm at work so I'll have to collect them tomorrow I imagine but still...

Bring on the final!!


Tuesday 31 July 2012

Still waiting...

Although I'm enjoying the Olympics, I am a bit annoyed...

Back in May (the 13th to be exact) I purchased my Olympics tickets. Given that my event is on the 11th of August, you might expect me to have received them by now...

But no. It seems that they have not yet even despatched all the tickets, including mine.

This seems like poor planning to me and the only conclusion I can reach is that London 2012 can't organise snow in a blizzard.

I mean, how hard can it be?


Monday 30 July 2012

The Olympics

I for one am very excited about the Olympics at the moment. Very proud of our medals so far!! Can't wait to go see the football final next weekend!!